Banded Sleeve is a less commonly performed variation of sleeve surgery.
This variation is focused on prevention of weight regain years after the sleeve is performed.
Although most patients achieve a good weight loss result 12 months afer sleeve surgery, it is sometimes found that the sleeve can relax or stretch slightly after a few years. Patients may describe an increase in portions tolerated and an increase in hunger.
Note that banding has been used in gastric bypass surgery over 30 years with proven advantageous results in terms of weight maintenance. The ring maintains restrictive function despite a tendency for the pouch to stretch over time. The ring shown in this diagram is called the Minimizer ring which is my preferred option for banding the sleeve.
In the case of banded sleeve, promising 5 year results have been published. Results show that weight loss tends to favour patients with banded sleeve compared to conventional sleeve after about three years from the operation(1, 2).
The average weight loss difference appears to be about 5% of total body weight in favour of the banded sleeve.

Side effects and complications
The ring may in some cases cause reduced tolerance of some of the tougher textured foods like red meat, chicken, bread or rice. If food intolerances are severe then the ring can be removed relatively easily with a quick operation. There have been cases of band erosion (eating its way into the stomach) or bowel getting stuck inside the ring. The occurrence of significant complications like these is in the order of 1%.
1. Al-Juhani A, Sharaf GF, Alyaseen EM, Alkurdi A, Azhari AS, Alshaiban SH, et al. Banded Versus Non-banded Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cureus. 2024;16(1):e52799.
2. Fink JM, Reutebuch M, Seifert G, Laessle C, Fichtner-Feigl S, Marjanovic G, et al. Banded Versus Non-banded Sleeve Gastrectomy: 5-Year Results of a 3- Year Randomized Controlled Trial. Obesity Surgery. 2024;34(2):310-7.
If you would like to discuss the Banded Sleeve in more detail or are considering this procedure please call (03) 9958 3000 to make an appointment with Mr Anthony Clough.