- MCBS has developed an affordable evidence based protocol for Overnight Sleeve Gastrectomy to maximise quick recovery from surgery and anaesthesia using latest available medical literature
- The MCBS Overnight Sleeve Package caters for uninsured patients who are willing to undertake most of their recovery in their own home in the company of a responsible carer.
- Specific anaesthesia techniques are utilised to enhance early recovery
- Patients stay a single night in hospital after undergoing morning surgery. Discharge from hospital is before 10am the next day.
- Overnight sleeve patients should not be “high risk” either from the point of view of medical conditions or the complexity of the surgery
*Estimated total package cost for hospital episode and professional fees related to surgery. Costs may vary depending on a number of variables such as equipment usage - please enquire for more details.

Do I Qualify?
Firstly, you must be willing and motivated to be discharged from hospital after just one night and continue your recovery in the comfort of your own home. You must also have a responsible carer at home who can be with you at least 24 hours after discharge.
Secondly, you must fulfil our criteria check to ensure you are in a suitable risk bracket to access this programme.
Expression of Interest
If you are looking at uninsured sleeve surgery would like to check your eligibility for our $16,990 overnight sleeve package please send us your contact details here and a comment expressing your interest in this package and we will be in touch shortly to discuss criteria and eligibility.
Please note that patients with previous Lap Band surgery or similar will not be suitable for this package.